by Jordan Lienhoop
Sarah Hall en route to create a tree rubbing.
For painter and puppet-maker Sarah Hall, going to the woods every day is all the inspiration she needs to generate new ideas and thoughts. Whether having a walkabout or watching a cicada hatch, the outdoors sparks shapes and stories inside her that become large tree rubbings and plein air painting puppets, inspiring kids (and adults!) to be curious explorers of their communities as well.
See more of Sarah’s work on Instagram at @hiyo_post and follow Gorp at @hiyogorp.
“Gorp” (2019) by Sarah Hall.
“Holiday Series” (2019), tree rubbing by Sarah Hall. Acrylic on canvas.
“Holiday Series” (2019), tree rubbing by Sarah Hall. Acrylic on canvas.
Tree rubbing by Sarah Hall. Acrylic on canvas.
HIYO postcards from Gorp (2020) by Sarah Hall
This post is part of a series featuring artists involved in our ministry and community in Louisville, Kentucky.