by Jordan Lienhoop
Self-portrait of Melissa Mann Bean
Photographer, designer, professor, mother: Melissa Mann Bean has held numerous titles over the last 24 years, adding mixed media artist to the list as she pursues new mediums and continues to hone her craft. Drawing on those roles and experiences, she warmly shares her journey and insights with young artists and women artists through mentorship and retreats.
See more of Melissa’s work online at Melissa Mann Bean Artwork and follow her on Instagram at @melissamannbeanartwork.
“Sewing History” (2020) by Melissa Mann Bean. Gouache, paper, photographs with stitching, acrylic on tissue paper with ribbon from an antique fabric (the mask). 18”x24”
“Twin Towers, NYC” (September 1, 2001) by Melissa Mann Bean. Different prices on print sizes/paper available. Contact artist.
“Don’t Be Anxious, Caged Bird” (2020) by Melissa Mann Bean. Watercolor pencil on watercolor paper, ink, found hand written paper in antique hymnal, flower original photograph. 8”x8”. $45 + shipping.
“Orchard Trees, Shelby County Kentucky” by Melissa Mann Bean. Different prices on print sizes/paper available. Contact artist.
"Praiseworthy: Laying Down Grief” by Melissa Mann Bean. Acrylic and found antique papers/poem on canvas, original photograph of hummingbird taken in Yew Dell Gardens. 12”x24"
This post is part of a series featuring artists involved in our ministry and community in Louisville, Kentucky.