photograph by Michael Wilson
Arts Feedback Group: Field Trip // Tuesday, November 5 // Carpool from the church building at 6:30PM sharp.
For November, we’re going to take a break from our normal Arts Feedback routine to attend an artist talk by Michael Wilson. Michael Wilson has made photographs spanning four decades now. His commercial work (mainly portraits of musicians, including B.B. King, Leonard Cohen, Emmylou Harris, Jeff Tweedy, etc) and his personal work blend together as a unified vision, always full of grace and grit. His clear artistic vision, under-girded by a quiet faith, is synonymous with the way he sees the world. His work and his life have an integrity together that I, Michael Winters, greatly appreciate and think you will too.
You can see more about the event hosted by Ivy Tech Sellersburg (just 20 minutes from the church) here. You can meet us there, or we’ll carpool from the church building at 6:30PM sharp.