Sojourn Arts Reading Group will meet on Tuesday, July 17 at 7PM at 504 E Oak St. This selection comes from Sojourn Arts director Michael Winters in conjunction with Sojourn Arts' gallery exhibit "The Father & His Two Sons." The exhibit features paintings, drawings and prints related to the prodigal son story. The exhibit comes from the collection of Larry and Mary Gerbens, on loan from Calvin College.
Henri Nouwen's The Return of the Prodigal Son is a deeply spiritual book. The author's encounter with Rembrandt's famous painting captures his imagination and sends him on a long spiritual journey. Through engaging Christ's parable and Rembrandt's painting, Nouwen comes to better relate to God and himself. The book testifies to the power of Christ's story of the father and his two sons. It also testifies to the potential of art to lead us into meditation and discovery. Reading this book will lead us into a great discussion about family relationships, growing up, and coming home.