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Book Discussion: Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

Sojourn Arts Reading Group will start up again on Tuesday, January 16th at 7PM in the Sojourn Gallery.

We've got a new format for the new year: we'll meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 7-9PM. Plus, we'll alternate between a book and music album each month. January will be a book, February an album, and so on. Thanks Hannah and Joel for the idea! 

Our first book is Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. This selection comes from our current exhibit Through a Mirror Dimly, featuring work by Holly Leonard and Matthew King. 

From their artist statement: "Through a Mirror Dimly focuses on the tension between revelation and mystery in faith, using both the verses of 1 Cor. 13:11-12 and the themes found in the C.S. Lewis novel, Till We Have Faces. The complexities of faith seem to grow as we age; we exchange simplistic, pure childlike faith for a more nuanced version tempered by doubt and choice. Our works explore this tension through the use of accumulative mark-making and obscured figures. These texts give us hope for the day we “shall know fully,” and until then, this body of work is our effort to better comprehend the fact that faith necessitates a certain measure of mystery and unknowing." Image far right: "A Royal Calling" by Holly Leonard.